Monday, April 2, 2007

Pop Culture

Skinny Models - NOT IN

Finally - Italy's pact to stop skinny models

Fashion models are being stopped from being on catwalks if they are suffering eating disorders. This skinny model image is going way over board. Finally Italy is trying to put a stop to these horrific risks of being to skinny. I don't understand how people could want to look up to these models their weight is way out of hand, I don't want to imagine what kids will begin to look like soon if they think these women are beautiful.

To read more about what Italy is doing to stop these models click here:

Want to find out your BMI click to this link:


sallyspaghetti said...

I think its about time they stopped making anorexia fashionable, considering that girls this skinny don't even look pretty, they just look creepy. I dont know why would designers want to make clothes for girls like this anyways, especially when they would be such a small size it would be unrealisitic for marketing their clothes to average sized women.

sensgirl1512 said...

I think skinny can be beautiful, but it is definetly not the only way to look beautiful. The picture is realllly gross. And that girl doesn't look good she just looks sick.