Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I'm Outraged!

I am completely outraged with the fact that in this present time Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan are famous only for being to0 thin, partying all the time and being in and out of rehab. Lindsay Lohan actually has talent unlike Nic0le Richie, it seems like anyone who starts to hang out with Nicole becomes a head case. Also, what is up with the oh so coolness of being anorexic, carrying oversized purses and wearing oversized sunglasses like Mary-Kate Olsen. Apparently its hot to accentuate anorexic features. Nicole Richie honestly just looks like a beat up coke whore, Lindsay Lohan looks disgusting with blond hair and that way too thin body, Hilary Duff really just didn't need to lose weight at all, the only person who isn't drastically losing weight is Paris Hilton and thats the one person most people tend to absolutely HATE, she doesn't even hang out with Nicole anymore, I havn't even heard anything about Paris being in rehab lately. You can disagree with me but i like Paris for not being like Nicole, i just don't like how she's done nothing to become famous. These celebrities don't even realize the impact they have on teenage girls, teens are literally on the verge of dieing just to be thin like these "beautifully anorexic" celebrities. Just check out this link: http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.jetmag.co.nz/Portals/4/Images/dying%2520to%2520be%2520thin.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.jetmag.co.nz/tabid/393/Default.aspx&h=240&w=297&sz=62&hl=en&start=14&um=1&tbnid=6ErxleJcIOHYYM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3DMary-Kate%2BOlsen%2B-%2B%2Bbig%2Bsunglasses,%2Bbig%2Bbag%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den


sensgirl1512 said...

Wow. They all look so sick in all of those pics. Especially the one of Nicole at the top. How can she possibly think she looks good. If anything she looks like she should be laying in a hospital bed.

MzQbit said...

oh, you picked some very disturbing pictures - their heads all look so big. It makes me wonder what they think about at night, alone, before they go to bed. What thoughts do they have when their lives aren't about being in glossy magazines? I wonder if they forget they are real people sort of like we do. It must be weird being a celebrity.

sweety pie said...

I m outraged about that too. I think taht They could have other talents too. and not have that for one of their only-being-famous- for. Its gross.