Friday, April 13, 2007

Who killed the electric car?

So this is the movie we watched while mz.qubit was away. I'm not going to lie I didn't pay that much attention to the movie. I learned that they were invented in the 20's or 30's im not positive which year, but a very long time ago. I honestly find documentaries are very boring and I could not get into this movie what-so-ever. When mz.qubit came back, the class had an open discussion about the movie and she explained the movie to us a little. I found I was more interested when mz.qubit explained it to the class. I honestly believe electric cars are a little bit of a hassle, the whole world would have to change we already live with gas stations that is how we first adapted to cars. If electric cars came to be the only cars available brand new service stations with chargers would have to be built and people would have to get used to plugging their cars in to go anywhere. I just think life would be completely changed if the electric car was THE new car. I do not like the idea at all, but that is just my personal opinion. IF you like the electric car then all the power to you.

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