Friday, March 30, 2007

Inner details of S.Bean

So im a girl whos seventeen, pretty much in love with life, no questions asked. I love to have a good time, and always laugh. If you know me already, i dont think you need to know any other details about me. I'm just your average girl with brunette hair, a thin body, an outgoing personality, and I love to dance. I'm not going to change myself to fit into any certain group, no matter what, thats not me. If you do something to upset me, just say sorry. Thats all I ask. I hate girls who are stuck up in any way, there's no need for it. You could say im a drama queen, but really, which girl isnt now a days? I do love girlie nights with my best girlfriends, it's pretty much a must. I love all my friends, they have helped me out in all ways i can possibly think of. You ladiess are number 1. I love taking pictures, cuddling, sunsets, makeup, shoes, the phone, shopping. You know the main things most girls do. The summer is one of my favorites along with lemonade being my favourite beverage. I was born a libra. I have one blood sister who is 3 years older then I am, she is my best friend. I'm just a girl whos living the life of a teenager, and its up to everyone to love me or hate me. Either way, im always going to be real. <3

1 comment:

MzQbit said...

Sbean, great start to your blog. Hopefully you enjoy looking at things in the media that make you think. I thought I'd post the list of types of posts I'm looking for here, so you don't always have to refer to my blog. Happy blogging!

1. Pop Culture
In this category you will observe something new or strange about pop culture. This could be a new trend, a t.v. show, a movie, etc. You should explain what it is and why it is significant.

2. Question?
This should be something you have noticed and wondered about. Anything that puzzles you, perplexes you, something you find strange. You should have lots of questions … and perhaps no real answers.

3. I’m Outraged!
This should be something that you have noticed in the media that you do not agree with, you find offensive, insulting, etc. You should explain WHY you are so outraged. If it is possible, explain what you are going to do about it, and most importantly, RANT!

4. How Interesting….
This is a free for all category where you record things that you have found interesting. It may overlap a bit with the pop culture category, which is fine.

5. Advertising

Anything that you see in advertising that strikes you as weird, good, bad, etc.

6. Hey! That’s a Subversion!

We looked at some in class. If you see an example of subversion in your travels, throw it up on your blog!