Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Childhood Cartoon's and Memories!

Oh childhood.. it was so simple back then and the only influence on our life was cartoons. We didn't care about what our parents told us all we cared about was saturday morning cartoons and running around with friends copying the cartoons we just watched in the morning. I was influenced by television right when i was born, because my sister's favourite show was sailor moon my mom decided to take sailormoon's real name Serena because she liked it so much. I always watched sailor Moon and carebears oh and I always watched power rangers me and my sister used to pretend to be them i was the yellow one and she was the pink one. All i ever did was watch cartoons, it is kind of pathetic, I remember always watching Lamb chops and when the lady died i cried for days and thought my life was over because lamb chops would never be the same. When i was a just a tween before becoming a teenager Spice Girls had a HUGE impact on my life anything i bought was spice girls anything i did had to involve spice girls, wow that must have been expensive for my parents!


MzQbit said...

go go power rangers!

`kourttt said...

omg i remeber the power rangers!! haha .. oh god and sailor moon... yeah deffiantly watched those when iwas little. loserrrr,haha but good blogg S.Beaann ! <3