Friday, June 15, 2007

Dakota Fanning - Pretend Rape

Well me and mzqbit are having a conversation about the new movie that Dakota Fanning plays in caled Hound Dog.. She is raped and mzqbit thinks this is wrong but I believe that it's just a movie and this does actually happen in real life just like how people get shot thats in movies too. Mzqbit brought up the point that maybe it could cause mental damage to Dakota but i believe it can't because it is all staged and she is an actor for a reason. I can't wait to watch this new movie it seems interesting and I love little Dakota she is an awesome actor!!!

McDonalds is pretty HILARIOUS!

Have you seen McDonalds new commercial yet? Yah its pretty funny! They try and make the franchise look and seem soooo healthy. In the beginning of the commercial its a mom and daughter at the park with soothing happy music. The young daughter about age 8 is playing on the monkey bars then the mom says "I help her keep her little hands strong and for her little tummy I feed her 100% real meat chicken mcnuggets, apple slices and milk! I Trust McDonalds to keep her healthy!" While the mom is saying this she is eating salad. But really anything from mcdonalds is not all that healthy and they have alot more unhealthy food items then healthy food items and really not all kids want apple slices and milk they usually eat fries and pop! So nice try McDonalds .. your not healthy!

Movie Review! - Memento

Have you ever gotten up to do something then seconds later you copmpletely forgot why you got up?Momento, directed by Christopher Nolan, was filled with the incredible cast consisting of: Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe Pantoliano, Mark Boone Junior, Stephen Tobolowsky, Harriet Sansom Harris, and Jorja Fox. Released in 2000, this film made you question, what if I lost memory of everything in the future? This is waht Guy pearce (Leanord Shelby) experienced. While solving the mystery of who John G. is with Leanord you are taken through all the events that has happened to Leanord backwards. Your mind is captured by this insane search throughout the whole film. By the time you think you have figured out who John G. is everything is suddenly turned around and twisted. Who is leanord and what did he actually do? IS there really even a real John G.? You are left with questions that you have to figure out with your own thoughts. You can think wahtever you want to think just like Leanord does.

I personally loved this movie, except I was a little bit disappointed about the ending. I love mysteries with the mind. This was an awesome movie it was filmed pretty cool, it always gave you more clues after clues while going back in the past of Leanords life! I recommend this movie for anyone to watch if you like to think and solve mysteries in movies!

She is awesome!!!

On this monday Tyra banks is having a very good episode, she will be talking about how to deal with low self-esteem. I think this is great especially coming from a celebrity. Tyra is probably one of the only talk shows i watch because she usully has some good episodes that help women love themselves. At least theres one thing in the media that doesn't tell young girls that the only way to be beautiful is to be thin. Although, right now I'm trying to understand Tyra, just a month ago she was saying how happy she was at 160 lbs. and now she has her new "bikini body" and lost all her weight this kind of seems as though she is a hypocrite. But I still love Tyra. But you should definately watch monday's episode if your stuggling with your self-esteem i'm definately going to watch it! :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I can't believe it!

So last night I was watching t.v and this very strange commercial came on (oh by the way i completely forget what the commercial was advertising! ooops) so anyways, it was a commercial that actually gave a positive message to teens!! So the mom was a giraffe and she was getting supper ready then she called her kids for supper and they were resembled as teenagers except they were hogs!!! .. That is giving the message that its okay to be adopted because this family is very very happy :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Okay so when I was at work the other day a young teenaged girl maybe 17 years old dropped off her resume. When i turned around and looked at her though my jaw dropped and my stomach felt ill! ...This girl was the first anorexic girl i have ever seen up close in person. It was horrible! Her arms were just skeleton bones with a thin layer of skin on them. and she was wearing tights that are supposed to be TIGHT on your legs, yah not on her they were lose.. and her cheeks were caved in so far there was nothing to her face and her chest bones were sticking out so much! i was so grossed out and i felt so sorry for this girl. I literally left the store and went and bought a hamburger because I was so horrified. I later found out by a friend of mine who knows her that she has been on her death bed 3 times, shouldn't that be enough for her to get healthy! I looked at her resume and it says she wants to be in the beauty business and modelling , well no wonder why shes anorexic shes so involved with the media that her vision of healthy is completely blurred. I hate thinking about her becuase I feel so sick just to think how hungry she must be!

"The Pob"

Alright, so I was reading a magazine while being bored at an eye appt. and there was an article about victoria beckham also known as posh spice. The article started talking about how victoria is "hot" with the pob haircut ie. Posh + Bob, its kind of ridiculous that now all of a sudden posh spice is popular because of this haircut. This article went on and on talking about how good she looks and that everyone wanting a change in hairstyle they shoudl support the pob.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

hey class i have a question!

So i have a question, for my documentary i am writting it on a very touching subject and i was wondering if anyone would be willing to let me interview them. My topic is public school (girl) bullying, it happened to me very badly, but i can't interview myself so i need someone who is willing to talk to me, i will not mention your name if you don't want me to because for me it's hard to talk about to. I hope someone will be willing to share their experiences with me, thank you

Friday, May 18, 2007

Tyra Banks show - Yesterday's episode

So I was watching Tyra Banks yesterday after school, the episode was quite different. She talked about "DORM PORN" It was quite disturbing. There are actual people in colleges and universities who produce porn from the students in the schools and sell the magazines. Having this talked about on the Tyra Show which is in the media, parents could start to get a little fearful to send their kids off to post secondary education. I think this is wrong and should NOT be going on in colleges or universities! There were two plus sized friends who took photos together that were very much revealing and disturbing.. good for them for not being shy to show their bodacious bodies off, but honestly for school porn! I could only imagine how many nasty, mean remarks were said about them and everyone else involved in this porn. What a way to ruin your reputation, it is so degrading!

A couple books to read!

Mzqbit lent me an amazing book called: A Million Little pieces by James Frey. It is very well written and is an amazing story, While reading it, you can picture everything thats going on in your head. If you are looking for a new bok to read honestly read this! You will never want to put it down!

Also, mzqbit if you don't know this yet, there is a sequal to this book! It is called My Friend Leonard. I am going to start to read this one right after im finished reading the first one!

Bias news articles - Paris Hilton!

Every news broadcaster puts their own bias opion in the story. For Paris Hilton I found two News articles that were very upset that this heiress got her jail sentence cut in half. Another News article figured this was fair for her and is happy she got it cut in half and is going in to an isolated cell - used for high profile inmates. Lucky Paris Hilton!

Two nws articles with negative bias:


News article with positvie bias:

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I LOVE Reba McEntire!

So I just read about the jokes that Reba made at the country music awards and it made me laugh. She pokes fun at Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. She dropped some comedy and left some jaws dropped.
She poked fun at Spears' new bald look, joking, "I just got word that Britney Spears has formed a new country group - it's called Rascal Flat-Top."
then she dropped Paris' gag, She joked, "She's had a rough time lately; she lost her dog, lost her man, got drunk and now she's going to jail. Let's just face it, she's living a country song."

I love her, just picture her saying that with her accent, it'll make you giggle!

Some people left some comments about her comment, there was one angry person thats for sure check it out :


*Bias is a personal opinion about a topic. You can either have a positive or negative bias towards your opinion.

The media always has Bias going on, any story written will have a negative or positive bias spin on it, because its how the writter of the story really feels about a topic. Usually, a negative bias gives off the feeling that what is going on is very bad. Positive bias gives off the feeling that there is a chance for something good to come out of something bad.

Examples of different bias types are:

*Ethnic or racial bias, including racism, nationalism.
Corporate bias, including advertising, coverage of political campaigns in such a way as to favor or vilify corporate interests, and the reporting of issues to favor the interests of the owners of the news media or its advertisers.
Class bias, including bias favoring one social class and bias ignoring (or exaggerating) social or class divisions.
Political bias, including bias in favor of or against a particular political party, candidate, or policy.
Religious bias, including bias in which one religious viewpoint is given preference over others.
Sensationalism, which is bias in favor of the exceptional over the ordinary. This includes the practice whereby exceptional news may be overemphasized, distorted or fabricated to boost commercial ratings; entertainment news is often subjected to sensationalism.

<------This picture shows different broadcasting
stations being Bias towards Fox News.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Childhood Cartoon's and Memories!

Oh childhood.. it was so simple back then and the only influence on our life was cartoons. We didn't care about what our parents told us all we cared about was saturday morning cartoons and running around with friends copying the cartoons we just watched in the morning. I was influenced by television right when i was born, because my sister's favourite show was sailor moon my mom decided to take sailormoon's real name Serena because she liked it so much. I always watched sailor Moon and carebears oh and I always watched power rangers me and my sister used to pretend to be them i was the yellow one and she was the pink one. All i ever did was watch cartoons, it is kind of pathetic, I remember always watching Lamb chops and when the lady died i cried for days and thought my life was over because lamb chops would never be the same. When i was a just a tween before becoming a teenager Spice Girls had a HUGE impact on my life anything i bought was spice girls anything i did had to involve spice girls, wow that must have been expensive for my parents!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Want a book to read? The Lovely Bones

The Lovely Bones - I am pretty sure this is THE best book I have ever read. Weirdly enough my grandma told me to read it. It has a very good story line but can be very upsetting and disturbing at times. Once you pick this book up you will never want to put it down. The book is narrated by a girl who passes away and tells the story from being up in heaven. This book really gets you thinking and intrigues you to feel like you are living in the book. If your looking for a new book to read, READ THIS ONE! It is amazing! I just absolutely love it!

A famous women - Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder is the co-founder with her husband Joseph Lauder of the Estee Lauder cosmetics companies. Estee lauder was born in New York, her parents are Hungarian Jewish immigrants. She was the only women on TIME magazine's 1998 list of the top 20 most influential business geniuses of the 20th century. She was also the recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Apparently she divorced her husband in 1939 then remarried him in 1942, they had two sons and both are part of the company. Estee lauder cosmetics are found all over the world even in Sears! I love the make-up but its a little expensive, sometimes I treat myself and buy it. After all it probably is better quality for your face.

Who killed the electric car?

So this is the movie we watched while mz.qubit was away. I'm not going to lie I didn't pay that much attention to the movie. I learned that they were invented in the 20's or 30's im not positive which year, but a very long time ago. I honestly find documentaries are very boring and I could not get into this movie what-so-ever. When mz.qubit came back, the class had an open discussion about the movie and she explained the movie to us a little. I found I was more interested when mz.qubit explained it to the class. I honestly believe electric cars are a little bit of a hassle, the whole world would have to change we already live with gas stations that is how we first adapted to cars. If electric cars came to be the only cars available brand new service stations with chargers would have to be built and people would have to get used to plugging their cars in to go anywhere. I just think life would be completely changed if the electric car was THE new car. I do not like the idea at all, but that is just my personal opinion. IF you like the electric car then all the power to you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

How Interesting...

Now that I think about this, I find it very interesting that croc's are so extremely popular yet, they have never been associated with celebrities or advertised on T.V. How did this trend become so popular? I wonder if croc's are available only in Ontario or Canada? Did the United States even hear tell of them yet? because if they did you would think they would be advertised everywhere since most advertising companies come from the states. I also think this new croc brand is going way over board have you seen some of the style of shoes that have come out, they are ugly! .. I absolutely love the classic original crocs that came out at first and some of the flip flops are nice but there are some ugly styles they have made just check out this link to a croc distributers website and see for yourself:

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I'm Outraged!

I am completely outraged with the fact that in this present time Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan are famous only for being to0 thin, partying all the time and being in and out of rehab. Lindsay Lohan actually has talent unlike Nic0le Richie, it seems like anyone who starts to hang out with Nicole becomes a head case. Also, what is up with the oh so coolness of being anorexic, carrying oversized purses and wearing oversized sunglasses like Mary-Kate Olsen. Apparently its hot to accentuate anorexic features. Nicole Richie honestly just looks like a beat up coke whore, Lindsay Lohan looks disgusting with blond hair and that way too thin body, Hilary Duff really just didn't need to lose weight at all, the only person who isn't drastically losing weight is Paris Hilton and thats the one person most people tend to absolutely HATE, she doesn't even hang out with Nicole anymore, I havn't even heard anything about Paris being in rehab lately. You can disagree with me but i like Paris for not being like Nicole, i just don't like how she's done nothing to become famous. These celebrities don't even realize the impact they have on teenage girls, teens are literally on the verge of dieing just to be thin like these "beautifully anorexic" celebrities. Just check out this link:;amp;amp;amp;h=240&w=297&sz=62&hl=en&start=14&um=1&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;tbnid=6ErxleJcIOHYYM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3DMary-Kate%2BOlsen%2B-%2B%2Bbig%2Bsunglasses,%2Bbig%2Bbag%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den

Monday, April 2, 2007

How trendy - Having a baby!

My question to the media - Why is it so interesting to write about celebrities having babies? Who cares if a new child is born because the parents are famous, who cares if Brad and Angelina just adopted another vietnam child. I feel bad for these kids they have already gotten so much publicity they may become another Paris Hilton - Famous for doing nothing. Why write about it? Why are they trying to make having babies the new trend? Do we really want to be calling ourselves soon-to-be mommy's during our teenage years? Not so much. This trend has got to stop throughout the media, before it becomes the "popular" thing to do, it really isn't cool at all.

Pop Culture

Skinny Models - NOT IN

Finally - Italy's pact to stop skinny models

Fashion models are being stopped from being on catwalks if they are suffering eating disorders. This skinny model image is going way over board. Finally Italy is trying to put a stop to these horrific risks of being to skinny. I don't understand how people could want to look up to these models their weight is way out of hand, I don't want to imagine what kids will begin to look like soon if they think these women are beautiful.

To read more about what Italy is doing to stop these models click here:

Want to find out your BMI click to this link:

Friday, March 30, 2007

Inner details of S.Bean

So im a girl whos seventeen, pretty much in love with life, no questions asked. I love to have a good time, and always laugh. If you know me already, i dont think you need to know any other details about me. I'm just your average girl with brunette hair, a thin body, an outgoing personality, and I love to dance. I'm not going to change myself to fit into any certain group, no matter what, thats not me. If you do something to upset me, just say sorry. Thats all I ask. I hate girls who are stuck up in any way, there's no need for it. You could say im a drama queen, but really, which girl isnt now a days? I do love girlie nights with my best girlfriends, it's pretty much a must. I love all my friends, they have helped me out in all ways i can possibly think of. You ladiess are number 1. I love taking pictures, cuddling, sunsets, makeup, shoes, the phone, shopping. You know the main things most girls do. The summer is one of my favorites along with lemonade being my favourite beverage. I was born a libra. I have one blood sister who is 3 years older then I am, she is my best friend. I'm just a girl whos living the life of a teenager, and its up to everyone to love me or hate me. Either way, im always going to be real. <3