Okay so when I was at work the other day a young teenaged girl maybe 17 years old dropped off her resume. When i turned around and looked at her though my jaw dropped and my stomach felt ill! ...This girl was the first anorexic girl i have ever seen up close in person. It was horrible! Her arms were just skeleton bones with a thin layer of skin on them. and she was wearing tights that are supposed to be TIGHT on your legs, yah not on her they were lose.. and her cheeks were caved in so far there was nothing to her face and her chest bones were sticking out so much! i was so grossed out and i felt so sorry for this girl. I literally left the store and went and bought a hamburger because I was so horrified. I later found out by a friend of mine who knows her that she has been on her death bed 3 times, shouldn't that be enough for her to get healthy! I looked at her resume and it says she wants to be in the beauty business and modelling , well no wonder why shes anorexic shes so involved with the media that her vision of healthy is completely blurred. I hate thinking about her becuase I feel so sick just to think how hungry she must be!
1 comment:
This situation also makes me extremely horrified, it is definitely sad that this girl is anorexic. You said that she has almost died three times, yes this is sad. But the fact of eating disorders (bulemia, anorexia) don't just go away, just because she may had died three times doesn't mean that she would wake up and say "wow i look good today." Eating disorders are caused by low self esteem and the obsession to be perfect among many other reasons. All eating disorders are diseases which aren't just caused through being involved in the media it comes from your entire life, what you think about yourself, and the people who surrond you. I'm not a doctor but i definitely think that this girl should be given treatment so that she can get better, or at least attempt to get healthier.
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